The "Us" Before Baby: Maternity Session

Even after your sweet baby arrives, and those hearts begin to grow, and your world begins to change, and everything is so different, one thing will be the same: you two, the two responsible for it all, you'll be in it together.


Do you feel the power in that word?

Document that power. Record the portion of your story that showcases the roots of your family. Tell the story of your family's foundation. Because without that foundation, you wouldn't be who you are right now. 

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The Evolution of Husband and Wife: Newborn Session

It is truly incredible how, despite not having a rulebook or any idea what it actually takes to be a mother or a father, we dive into our new roles and we it. And we do it well, because we all do it with our hearts.

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I'm Finally Me

Self-criticism became the norm for me. Every day, I was focusing on what I was “missing,” and I hated every second of it.

I had handed the gauge for my self-worth over to the outside world, and after a while I was desperate to take back the reigns.

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