Becoming Four : Fresh 48 Session

When you see the look of awe in your husband's eyes as he gazes at your new son, when you tug the striped cap from the hospital off to admire the soft hair underneath, when your daughter sees her baby brother for the first time, when you are all four together as a family for the first time, you'll want to record every single detail in your memory. 

Because each of those moments, and all of the other little ones in between, are invaluable.

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God's Plan for my Daughter: A Congenital Heart Defect

Shortly after becoming a mother, my newborn daughter was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. I reacted in a way that I'm sure many mothers would: I embraced her as if my hug would heal her, I felt guilt and wondered if somehow I had caused this to happen to her, and initially, I was afraid for how this could affect her. 

If you would've told me then that almost four years later I would be at complete peace in a waiting room, while she lay under anesthesia in a cath lab while her heart was repaired, I wouldn't have believed you. 

But that's how the story went.

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Don't Forget

In taking all of these photographs, I realized that these ordinary moments are what make our family tick. They're who we are. They're a part of our story. 

The ordinary moments in your life are no different. Like these photos, those moments each tell their own story individually, but collectively they tell a masterpiece of a story...your story.

Whatever stage of life you're in, whatever your story consists of, it's worth remembering.  

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