All forests, regardless of their size, depend on fire in order to thrive. A number of conifers seal their cones with resin, which has to be burned away in order for the seeds to germinate. Thus, out of the ashes of a forest fire, new life begins.
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The God of Noah, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of Jacob, the God of David, does not invite His beloved children into things that they are prepared for by their own accord. He invites them into things that require risk, that require courage, that require vulnerability, and that require them to ask Him to do what He needs to do.
I cried because I knew the invitation included a journey to a new depth of healing–a depth that would require me to walk very difficult and painful things–and I just couldn’t bear the thought of walking through more difficult things, through more pain.
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My physical surroundings barely qualified as a distraction; the cyclone of thoughts reeling in my mind held that prize. I hiked with a vengeance, frustrated that I was experiencing a swirling frenzy of thoughts instead of the very thing I came for.
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A few blocks away from where I stayed with my host family in Buenos Aires, Argentina sits the widest avenue in the world: Avenida 9 de Julio. Countless times during my months of studying there, I crossed its sixteen lanes on foot. An incredibly wide thoroughfare, it was utterly chaotic.
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