
Most of my days, I am on a mission. With two young daughters, a demanding career in education, a house to care for, and a persistent attempt to care for myself, I best accomplish things with efficiency. This manifests in many ways, one being that my hiking boots find their home in my car during the spring and fall. In the name of preparation, I keep them there because a good rain in the months surrounding summer transforms my beloved trail into one big mudpie. Having them with me removes one step of preparation; my feet are equipped for wherever they may venture.

I was on such a mission today that I parked at the trailhead, jumped out, and headed in without a single thought. On the stretch through the field just before the trail, a heart-shaped leaf caught my eye. Upon stopping to admire it, I realized I was still wearing my running shoes. I was so focused on accomplishing all the things that I had forgotten to change into my hiking boots. An about-face and fifty steps brought me to my vehicle, I swapped out my shoes and returned to the mission. 

Fifty steps later, I met the same leaf. Much like the first time, my view of it included my feet. Several thoughts collided, bringing me to the realization that, much like I need to be properly equipped to hike a muddy trail in the woods, I need to be properly equipped to walk where God calls me to walk. But being properly equipped requires preparation, which requires presence. Historically, being on a mission has meant not being fully present.

No more.

If I am not fully present, I am unaware of my surroundings which means I am unaware of the blessings and the attacks. If I am not fully present, I am unable to hear His voice, see through His eyes, and act as He asks. Simply put: if I am not fully present, I am ineffective. The only way for me to be fully present is to be fully prepared, which requires every bit of Truth packed in the two verses below. My preparation - my equipping - consists of immersing myself in His Word day in and day out. No exceptions, no modifications, no excuses.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17