
I am learning that the wonders God has prepared for us require a few things: our surrender (“letting Him”), His refining and equipping of us, and His orchestration of whatever it is He is walking us into. Today, He fixed my heart on what I receive when I - by faith - surrender and let Him.

Two words of a Spanish translation of Hebrews 11:11 read, “he received ‘fuerzas.’” Receiving immediately makes me think of a gift, which I have to be open to and accepting of in order to receive it. In other words, this is the “let” part. A quest into the meaning of “fuerzas” led me to many definitions (capacity, vigor, or robustness needed to move something heavy or that is resistant, power or authority, etc.), but one piqued my interest more than the others: “an action or influence that can modify the movement or structure of a body.” 

Modify the structure of a body, which - in the case of this Truth - is received. 

I cannot enter into the fulfillment of His promise to me built as I am now any more than Abraham (or Sarah, for that matter) could have entered into the fulfillment of His promise to them built as they were. Like needed to be done with them, I need to be restructured. And while the application of this interpretation is quite literal for them, it is not so literal for me. 

His restructuring of me is relative to my wiring. A system that is quite literally out of my control leads me to a place of wanting to be in control, and being in control is not only unhealthy but unholy. If I am in control, I am not letting Him, but am instead an obstacle to myself and to receiving the fulfillment of His promise to me. 

The simple answer to the question, “How do I receive this restructuring?” is: surrender. But I can’t stop at simplicity; I must consider what surrender looks like for me. I must embrace the simplicity of it while considering the complicated because I must enter into this season of receiving well-equipped, and I cannot be well-equipped without being restructured for my equipping.

Por fe también, aunque Sara no podía tener hijos y Abraham era demasiado viejo, éste recibió fuerzas para ser padre, porque creyó que Dios cumpliría sin falta su promesa.

Hebreos 11:11

And by faith, even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.

Hebrews 11:11