Where Did God Go?

Amid that awe, there is another question, a question I have heard asked outright and have seen concealed within words of anguish, perplexity, and distress:

Where did God go?

Did He flee before the first confirmed case in China? Did He sneak away in the night as the virus passed through Europe? Did He shut himself off from our country as our people were invaded by COVID-19?

Where did He go?

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Woodside Pontiac: Loving as God Does

I am unable to properly express the emotions I experience when I think about how this church--my church--has changed my life and the lives of my daughters. What started as a phone call about volunteering has yielded substantial and unexpected blessing. It seems insufficient to use any word that I know or could find upon searching to describe what I feel in my heart,

which is precisely the same thing that happens when I try to speak of the love of God. 

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