
Several months ago, I had a dream. In this dream, I had moved into an apartment, and shortly after moving my things in, I had to go somewhere. When I returned, I found that someone had broken in and stolen my digital camera and laptop. I panicked because these items were not only costly but they were the two items I needed to do what I am passionate about: my camera for photography, and my laptop for my writing and my teaching. I investigated and learned who this repetitive thief in the apartment complex was. Once night fell, I set out, marched over to his apartment, snuck in, and took my stuff back.

I was perplexed for quite some time about what this dream meant. I had had prophetic dreams that had come to fruition in real life before, but this one was about me. What did those two stolen items mean for me personally? I wondered if it meant that my passion would be taken, that I would lose my job, or that I would lose my talent and have to start over completely.  

In the last several weeks, I feel as if it has been pieced together for me. 

At the very beginning of my walk with Jesus, I ventured on a 365 project - I took a photo every day and I wrote what God had laid on my heart relative to whatever I had photographed. The project led me to the greatest growth and the deepest level of intimacy with Jesus I have ever experienced. I spent every day anticipating - expecting - Him to show Himself to me so I could document it, write about it, and share His heart with the world. This project required my camera and my computer - two items that are crucial for living out my God-given passion. 

What I have come to see is that this dream wasn’t inherently about the photos, the writing, or the project; it was about the relational benefit that that project yielded for me and Jesus. By stealing my camera, he was stealing the unique perspective God gave me, and by stealing my computer, he was hindering my ability to use the gifts of language and teaching He gave me to share this perspective with others. Without that perspective, without that ability for Him to use my words to reveal things to me and grow me, how could I get closer to Him? 

As clearly as I can see the definition of “centipede” in the children’s dictionary resting on our bookshelf, I now see the attempts of the enemy to steal what never belonged to him anyhow. And this - this daily fellowship with the Lord where I am writing so He can use my words for His glory - this is my clap back.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10