
The production of seeds has always fascinated me. After a branch has produced all that it is intended to, a beautiful flower emerges. It’s like the capstone of the plant’s purpose. Then, upon dying, the flower produces seeds that will start the miraculous story all over again.

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His restructuring of me is relative to my wiring. A system that it is out of my control leads me to a place of wanting to be in control, and being in control is not only unhealthy but unholy. If I am in control, I am not letting Him and am instead an obstacle to myself and to receiving the fulfillment of His promise to me.

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A phrase featured on memes, the title of a few songs from my youth, and words I’d use to describe myself, I would also render this coupling of words to be one of my greatest internal battles. Independence can be a defense mechanism, and for me, that is what it is a lot of the time.

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